
Untitled design (18)

Fully Air-Conditioned

In a Fully air-conditioned unit at a prime location at G.T Road and the bank of Ganges at Ma Sarada P4 Health Care, you will get the latest form of therapy instruments, Clinical observation, treatment in a very cost-effective solution of all disease and lifestyle problems. We offer convenience at its best to our patients

All under one roof

- Polyclinic
- Medicine
- Therapy

A unique all-under-one-roof facility for you where you can see a doctor, get your tests done(if needed), and also purchase medicines and the convenience of availing physiotherapy which has become a necessity in every home these days.

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Online Booking & Report

Book your clinic or pathology appointments online from the comfort of your home and also get the reports online or directly delivered to your home

24/7 Ambulance

We are ready with a ICU ambulance service 24 hrs a day to respond to any medical emergency

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